Chiangmai is the second most popular city in Thailand. It is located at about 600 km. North of Bangkok. The project area includes Chiangmai and its surrounding sanitary districts namely: Mae Rim, San Kamphaeng, San Sai, Saraphi, Hang Dong and Doi Saket.
The Chiangmai service area consists of two sub-systems: one in the high elevation area limited to the Western portion of the whole system; and the second is the system in the lower elevation areas.
The high elevation area will be served by the Umong and Paton Water Treatment Plants (WTOs), the water of which will be supplemented by the New WTP using the Mae Kuang Dam Water. The dam will also serve the Doi Saket area. Mae Rim and San Kamphaeng each will be served by separate sources. The existing facilities of Chiangmai waterworks are suffering from the increase in the water demand due to rapid and developing areas of this city.
SEATEC was also involved in the preparation of the Detailed Engineering Design for an improvement program to rehabilitate and to modify the existing systems, together with expansion works to increase the production capacity of the existing facilities. The project funded by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)